Archives March 2022

National social housing safety & compliance week!!

This is one week in 52 weeks where big wigs from the social housing and compliance sector talk about safety and compliance at an operational, strategic and cultural level. Are we the only ones that find this disgraceful! Thousands of tenants everyday are dealing with disrepair issues and neglect at the hands of their social landlords. Surely this warrants more than a week. These issues need to be addressed and the people in charge held accountable. People can talk until they are blue in the face but when will they take action to make sure you and your family live in a safe home free of issues and neglect.

While they talk and have a nice dinner, we are here to make sure you are not neglected longer than you have to be and to hold these social landlords to account. So remember if you do have issues and no one else is listening. We will and if it within our power we will help you!

A Surge of enquiries

Over the past week we have had a massive influx of enquiries from the south east. We have had both council and housing association tenants who have been ignored for months and in some cases years. They have complained and complained and been to the Environmental health and in some cases the housing ombudsman but with no luck or any resolution in sight. They contacted us as a hail Mary and we are able to help them. People see housing disrepair claims as a Horrible thing but in the majority of the cases we deal with we are a necessary evil and people are grateful for the help, advice and support we offer. So if you are struggling to get your home repaired. Contact us today who knows we may be able to help!